Legal Representation at a Police Station
Criminal cases can be won and lost in the police station long before you reach court
With over 40 years experience of police station advice and court advocacy in very serious cases you will be in safe hands with R.S. Jakhar law Offices. R. S. Jakhar has advised clients in interviews in numerous murder, serious fraud, terrorismand SFO investigations. He is also one of the most accomplished solicitor advocates in the country. He is well versed in dealing with delicate negotiations with senior police investigators.
Knowing your legal rights can make all the difference between being charged and helping you to win a case. When dealing with the authorities, the advice below should stand you in good stead.
Your Rights on Arrest
The police should caution you and take you to a police station at the earliest opportunity, They may delay taking you if they think you have disposed of a stolen item or weapon in an attempt to retrace your steps to recover it.
Once you have been cautioned, you should be told of your rights which include being allowed legal advice, telling someone of your arrest, and be able to see Police Codes of Practise.
The police may delay your ability to inform others of your arrest if they think it could alert other offenders to your arrest and thereby impinge any investigation. The maximum delay in 36 hours, except for a suspected terrorist offence, in which case it is 36 hours.