Leading fraud specialists and criminal defence lawyers, with a reputation for excellence and expert client care
Unlike other larger production line practices, if you instruct R.S. Jakhar Law Offices you will receive personal representation from one of our Associate Lawyers or a named senior lawyer, not a junior solicitor or paralegal.
Our reputation is built on our unique collective experience and successes in defending individuals and companies in the Delhi NCR. In our twenty years of practice we have been involved in many serious and high-profile domestic and international cases. Previous clients have included Heads of State, Government officers, Celebrities, Company Directors, Doctors, Accountants and other professionals. Cases that we have been instructed in range from extremely complicated international war crimes trials to allegations of complex fraud and regulatory, competition law and public law matters.
Having left behind the big firm culture of large practices to concentrate on providing the highest quality of service to our clients, we carefully select the cases we take on and the lawyers, counsel and experts that we work alongside. Every client of R.S. Jakhar Law Offices receives the same degree of individual and personal attention and tenacious representation.